May 24, 2021

一年級第14週 : 5/24-5/28英閱繪進度 字母 Rr 和 Ss

Hello, boys and girls~

孩子們早安, 上週的進度Pp Qq 大家都順利完成了嗎?這週要繼續加油喔!  另外, 我們的繪本故事也上傳囉! 大家快去看看, 小男孩跟企鵝發生了什麼有趣的事情呢?

一年級本週繪本 (5/24~5/28) Lost and Found (Part 2)

Hello, boys and girls~! 

Did you like the story "Lost and Found"?
The little boy is going to take the little penguin back to the South Pole on his rowboat.
If you were the little boy, what would you take along with you?

Teacher Diana would surely bring lots of water, food and clothes to keep me warm.
What else would you pack?


 二年級的孩子們大家早安~ 防疫期間大家都有跟T. Nicole和T. Daphne一樣乖乖待家裡嗎?上週的進度都有好好完成了嗎?如果你的答案都是"YES"那就太棒了喔!

